Bloomtools Social Media Marketing Podcast
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PODCAST: Social Media Marketing

Posted by Benoît Mercier on 24 October 2023
PODCAST: Social Media Marketing

Want to know more about using social media for your business?

Then listen to this Oakville Chamber of Commerce podcast on social media marketing, featuring Bloomtools' Benoit Mercier.

We'll also talk about how to have a more impactful presence without using up all of your time and resources, what to expect when you outsource your social media efforts, and if paid social media advertising is really worth it.

Please listen to the podcast here or on Buzzsprout- other podcasting platforms are also available there.

Author:Benoît Mercier
About: With extensive Marketing and Business Development experience acquired in the hi-tech industry, Benoît is a web consultant with Bloomtools helping small and medium companies grow their business online.
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Tags:PodcastSocial MediaPPC

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