PODCAST: How to Build Your Social Media Presence
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PODCAST: How to Build Your Social Media Presence

Posted by Benoît Mercier on 1 September 2020
PODCAST: How to Build Your Social Media Presence

In today's digital age, it's uncommon for any business or brand to not have some sort of social media in place.

But there is a stark difference between your social media simply existing and your social media actually having a presence.

Unfortunately, to be successful on social media, it's not as easy as sharing a couple of facts about your business and leaving it at that. Successful social media marketing comes with time and effort.

These social channels aren't disappearing any time soon, so if you haven't had the chance to build your presence yet, now's the perfect time considering that 94% of Canadian adults  have an account on at least one social media platform, according to a recent report From The Ryerson Social Media Lab.

Click here to listen to our podcast, and find out what are the benefits of a social media presence for businesses.

Author:Benoît Mercier
About: With extensive Marketing and Business Development experience acquired in the hi-tech industry, Benoît is a web consultant with Bloomtools helping small and medium companies grow their business online.
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Tags:ContentPodcastSocial Media

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